Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Search for God and Guinness by Stephen Mansfield

Stephen Mansfield brings some great insight into the world of beer. Mansfield has undoubtedly brought forth a great deal of research to the table. In order to write this book, Stephen goes to the Guinness annals and researches the beginnings of the beer that we know as Guinness.

In all of this astute research, Mansfield doesn't keep the reader hooked. Their is no denying the interesting facts, and history that he shows us, but that doesn't equate to a good book. If you like to read history textbooks, then this is the book for you.

The beginning of the book goes through a history of the Guinness family, and the history of beer in the church. Beer in the church has a rich history. Many prominent church leaders loved beer, and it is evident in their writings. Martin Luther, in a letter to his wife, tells her to send his whole wine cellar, and beer to him, while he is in Dessau. Katie, Luther's wife sent it to him.

I think in all the borish words, Mansfield does supply us with an interesting take on what it means to be a Christian. He doesn't address the spiritual repercussions of drinking beer, but what he does do is show that their is a rich history of beer within the church. Some denominations, and people don't allow drinking. While I think drinking could become very dangerous, it isn't bad. When we start living a legalistic life, basing our lives on "Do's" and Don't's" we become pharisaic. Our lives, as Christians isn't about living the most pious life, it's about loving God, and loving others.

All-in all, I would give this book a 3 1/2 but only because of Mansfield's research.